It lasts six weeks before Easter. Lent is the religious period of fasting and repentance for Christians. During this time of penance, charity and fasting, people "give up" luxuries and things they ...
During Lent, Catholics and Christians will give up something they enjoy — like cookies, candy or alcohol — or something they feel like they should stop — like watching TV or social media.
It may appear odd, but it is a mark people that practice Christianity receive at Mass ... that practice the religion will also be observing Lent leading up to the holiday that celebrates the ...
Ashes are a symbol of penance. Not every Christian religion observes Ash Wednesday or Lent. It is most strongly associated with Catholicism, but some Lutherans, Methodists, Episcopalians ...
For many Christians, the six weeks of Lent — leading up to Easter — are a time of prayer and reflection. Believers also often refrain from eating meat from cows, pigs or chickens during this season.