If you want to start an aquarium of your own, I asked Sanders and Rosenbloom about everything you need for new pet fish, ...
The USFWS asks goldfish owners who can no longer keep their pets to rehome them or return them to a pet store — or even consider reaching out to a local aquarium or fish rescue group for help — rather ...
Scientists caught an “armored” river creature with a maze-like pattern, a popular aquarium pet, in Brazil and discovered ... known from the ornamental fish trade,” the study said.
Scientists caught a popular aquarium fish in Xingu river and discovered a ... patterned animal and recognized it as a popular aquarium pet. It also turned out to be a new species.
Have you ever looked at your pet and thought ... How to decode hamster behaviour In an aquarium, your fish may also swim erratically if there is a dangerous electric current in the water.