Today Canada lynx are still caught in traps set for other species, and their habitat is fast disappearing. The Center has worked for decades to help this valiant but vulnerable predator. Thanks to a ...
Using a model validated by historic records, researchers first found that in 1900, Canada lynx had more suitable habitat in the U.S. than the few northern corners of the country where they are ...
The groups say the Forest Service didn't include enough details about where exactly the logging project will take place to ...
THREATS: Major threats to the Canada lynx today are habitat destruction due to deforestation and fire suppression and trapping, as well as global warming. Snowmobiling in remaining lynx habitat is a ...
“We’re rooting for this lynx to keep heading north where it will find more young forest habitat and plenty of snowshoe hares ...
Minnesota has the third-largest lynx population in the United States, after Alaska and Maine. Current estimates for lynx vary ...
Although it is illegal to intentionally kill Canada lynx, these secretive cats are still susceptible ... Fisheries and Wildlife has placed some restrictions on trapping in lynx habitat, the ITP (which ...
The owner of the Trail Center Lodge on northern Minnesota's Gunflint Trail captured footage of a close encounter with a Canada lynx over the weekend. Sarah Hamilton posted the video on Facebook ...