Pawpaw trees are becoming quite popular. If you've decided to plant a pawpaw tree, here's what House Digest's master gardener ...
As we move into April and more butterfly species mature and take flight, you can incorporate a variety of early-blooming native plants into the garden to attract them.
You can also make a similar water source dish with this simple Dollar Tree DIY. What Are The Benefits Of Adding A Puddler To ...
A new study finds butterfly populations in the US have dropped 22% since 2000 due to pesticides, habitat loss, and climate ...
FILE - A Red Admiral (Vanessa Atalanta) butterfly sits on a pear tree in a garden. Scientists say the crisis is driven by three main factors: climate change, habitat loss, and insecticide use.
In the United States, perhaps no bug has been counted as often as the butterfly. "There's a lot of passion for them ... a ...
Going native is still a big garden design trend in 2025. Native plants are “at home” in our specific area, and over time have ...
A sweeping study for the first time tallies butterfly data from more than 76,000 surveys across the continental United States. The results: Butterflies -- all of them -- are disappearing.
Like you could walk through the garden and you felt like you were in a butterfly sanctuary.” Arianna’s favorite tree attracts another animal that loves flowers. “We have a plant that ...