Each Thanksgiving, Americans flood online culinary discussion boards with different versions of the same questions — does ...
Do you need to brine a turkey before deep-frying? Brining a turkey isn't absolutely mandatory, but it's the best way — when using any cooking method — to ensure the meat will be tender ...
What is the secret to a moist turkey? In this recipe, brining the turkey for 24 hours before marinating makes it especially succulent. "The main process going on when you're brining is that salt ...
Chefs often use brines for pork, chicken, and turkey–the three types of meat that benefit the most from brining–because they result in a uniformly juicy loin or bird that’s perfectly ...
About eight to 18 hours should do the trick. Cut half the salt if you're brining more than eight hours. Be sure to dry the turkey completely before cooking. Now, preheat your oven to 325 degrees ...