If biological waste or sharps are contaminated with radioactive material, Stop. Do not autoclave. Contact EH&S Radiation Safety at 303-492-6523 for proper procedures. Biological waste that involves ...
Who should participate? Anyone at Purdue University that works with Risk Group 2 or higher biological agents (BSL 2 or higher laboratory), rDNA materials, and unfixed human fluids, cell lines, and ...
Plates, slides, culture vessels, and other biological or biomedical appearing materials generated by Campus laboratories, that do not meet the criteria of “infectious” (as defined above) or have been ...
liquid, melting point, associated chemicals, and so on), there may be more than one way to inactivate the material before disposal. Possible methods include (and it is unlikely that all will be ...
Connecticut College manages biological and potentially biohazardous waste in accordance with R.C.S.A. § 22a-209-1 of the Connecticut State Regulations. Follow this link to the Connecticut College ...
Quantum Organics, a pioneer in end-to-end organics management based in Southington, CT, has joined Circular Services, one of ...
BRAIN Biotech is contributing its proprietary bioleaching technology as the core technology for recovering of BioGold TM. The PX Urban Mining Initiative is open to additional partners who wish to ...
With the acquisition, Circular Services adds food and green waste processing to its platform of circular economy solutions.