Every December near the holidays, I take a trip to Wyoming to film and study bighorn sheep (Ovis Canadensis). It’s always a fun adventure, and this year was no different. Bighorns are a ...
Males have massive horns that spiral outward and forward, while females' horns never grow larger than one half-spiral. In both sexes, most fur is tan colored; undersides, backs of legs, rump patch, ...
Colorado Parks and Wildlife biologists are braving a blizzard to continue work on their bighorn sheep project.
DESCRIPTION: Similar in appearance to other bighorn sheep, the Sierra Nevada bighorn is a large mammal with a white rump, ranging in body color from almost white to fairly dark brown. Adult males ...
The Deschutes Byway hides bighorn sheep, and it takes a keen eye to pick out the sheep that blend so well with the background. The females called "ewes" gather in small herds, added Thompson.