Conde Nast Travel named Acadia National Park as one of the most beautiful places in America.
Editor’s Note: The following story first appeared in The Maine Monitor’s free environmental ... More research is still to come on the autumn side of the calendar, to determine not just how ...
Autumn in New England is something every nature ... But you’ll find unforgettable romantic getaways in Maine. More specifically, for a destination worthy of a romance novel experience, I would ...
For example, today, March 11th, the sun has the same "altitude" or "angle" as September 29th.
In the Northern Hemisphere, the autumn equinox falls on September the 22nd or 23rd of September, marking the point where day and night are about the same length before the days begin to get ...
What Conde Nast said about it: "Acadia National Park is an essential stop on any Maine road trip ... comes alive with color during the autumn months, especially along the 63-mile Mohawk Trail.
Historical data shows that auroras occur more often during the spring and autumn equinox.
The coalition shared resources this autumn, including firefighters, engines and hoses, among Massachusetts, Maine, Vermont, New Hampshire, Connecticut, Rhode Island and New York. But states should ...