The ashes represent mortality but also mourning, penitence and repentance. Lent is a liturgical time of “giving up.” Often during Lent, one might “give up” something like chocolate or ...
there are variations of that classic phrase accompanying the ashes but it all comes down to this: what will you do while you are here on earth? Ash Wednesday ushers in the forty days of Lent ...
Using his thumb, he made a cross with the ashes on the sidewalk. This observance marked Ash Wednesday, the beginning of Lent in the Christian calendar, with a program that local churches have ...
Residents drove to the front doors of the church and were given the opportunity to privately receive their ashes and their blessing for Ash Wednesday leading into the days of Lent. Ashes To Go is ...
Pastor Tony Ward at West End Presbyterian Church was one of many to distribute ashes today. He says Lent is a time for reflection and an opportunity to ready ourselves for the journey that leads ...
Lent 2025: Why people walk around with a smudged cross of ashes on their foreheads on Lent and why do Christians give things up for this festival before Easter? Why do Christians mark themselves ...
It's Ash Wednesday, the start of the Lent and fish Friday traditions. Ash Wednesday is a day of repentance, marked by ashes being placed on a worshiper's forehead in the shape of a cross by a ...
Ash Wednesday begins the liturgical season of Lent for many Christian faiths. Catholics celebrate the day by attending Mass and receiving ashes on their forehead. The word on new PEEPS ...
The ashes signify repentance for one's sins and a renewed commitment to God. For many Christians, Ash Wednesday is a day of fasting, as well as abstaining from eating meat. Last year, Lent began ...
Ash Wednesday, the start of Lent, is on March 5, 2025. Lent is a period of prayer, fasting, and giving for Christians. Ashes represent death and repentance, reminding Christians of human mortality.