Most research on women in Ancient Greece and Rome concentrate on urban domestic life where there were no references to women ...
Ancient Greek Vase Depicting Mother Aphrodite Disciplining Her Unruly Child With a Sandal Awes Researchers The interesting ...
However, despite laws and social norms that severely limited women’s autonomy, “Kyladitisses” shows that they still found ways to be influential in ancient Greek society. The idea that women ...
Children played with small pottery ... They used this for cooking, in oil lamps and cosmetics. Men and women usually ate separately in ancient Greece. Rich people always ate at home - only ...
In ancient Greece, wealthy men often gathered for decadent banquets called symposia. Not only an occasion for thinking and philosophizing, the symposium was also a place for enjoying women ...
Marriage in Ancient Greece was an important union and the wedding ceremony was a three-day celebration for family and friends.
Before Zeus could rule as the king of the ancient Greek gods, he had to defeat his father and the Titans in a decade-long war ...
Religious ceremonies were among the few public events where women had roles. Shared religious rites united ancient Greek villages and regions. Worship intially was communal, but as people sought ...