Abandoned AWS S3 buckets could be reused to hijack the global software supply chain in an attack that would make Russia's "SolarWinds adventures look amateurish and insignificant," watchTowr Labs ...
Attackers re-register abandoned AWS S3 buckets filled with malicious files that are executed by applications looking for ...
2023 年,AWS 首次公开宣布支持 Iceberg,预览版允许用户使用其云原生数据仓库 Redshift 在外部数据湖中运行 Iceberg 表的分析查询,但仅限于新建表,不支持从 Parquet 转换为 Iceberg 的表。
作者 | Tim Anderson译者 | 刘雅梦策划 | TinaBun 的 1.1.3 版本已经发布,它是一个用于 JavaScript 和 TypeScript 应用程序的工具包和打包器。虽然它有一些新的功能,包括用于 S3 存储的 API、对 ...
AWS S3 bucket names are global with predictable names that can be exploited in "S3 bucket namesquatting" attacks to access or ...
Our partnership with AWS is strategic to Beamr's growth, and joining the ISV Accelerate program represents a significant milestone in our cloud ...
Re:Invent There are two important changes to AWS's ubiquitous S3 storage service arriving soon: first, a new Table bucket type aimed at data analytics; and second, a previewed metadata feature ...
Beamr Imaging (BMR) has joined the AWS ISV Accelerate program, a global co-sell initiative for Amazon Web Services partners. As an Independent ...
A sophisticated ransomware gang, Codefinger, has a cunning new technique for encrypting data stored in AWS S3 buckets without traditional ransomware tools. Instead, they exploit the AWS server-side ...