Boeing (BA) will face shareholders’ class action accusing the aircraft manufacturer of prioritizing profits over safety after ...
Renton, Washington, factory on Thursday, joined by acting FAA Administrator Chris Rocheleau. The visit follows heightened ...
近日,波音公司首席执行官Kelly Ortega在周四的发布会上宣布,波音737 MAX的供应链状况良好。波音的目标是到2025年中期将其最畅销喷气机的产量提高到每月38架。这一消息引发了业内广泛关注,也让我们看到了航空制造业未来的发展潜力。
近日,波音公司首席执行官凯利·奥尔特伯格在公开场合表示,737 MAX的供应链状况良好,这一表态为市场注入了一剂强心针。波音计划到2025年中期将737MAX的产量提升至每月38架,这一目标彰显了波音对市场复苏的信心。
飞友消息,2月11日晚间巴西里约热内卢机场(GIG)发生意外,一架高尔航空公司的波音737 MAX 8客机起飞时,竟然在跑道上撞到车辆!飞机一度向右 ...
飞友消息,多米尼加共和国规模最大的航空公司也就是Arajet,最近与中银租赁签署了5架波音737 MAX 8的租赁协议。这些飞机将在2026~2027年间交付,助力多米尼加的旅游经济。
飞友消息,全日空最近确定购买一大批客机,有报道说77架,有报道说68架,拉总核实认为应该是83架,包括: 4、波音737 MAX 8,18架(含10架此前的选择权)。 图:乐桃航空A321neo客机 摄:拉上窗帘 ...
快科技2月14日消息,据报道,当地时间2月11日,巴西GOL航空一架737 MAX 8(PS-GPP)在巴西里约热内卢加利昂机场滑跑起飞时,与一辆不知为何出现在跑道的机场服务皮卡车相撞。
格隆汇2月20日|波音公司首席执行官Kelly Ortberg周四表示,波音737 MAX的供应链状况良好。波音的目标是到2025年中期将其最畅销喷气机的产量提高到每月38架。
A Boeing 737 Max was taking off when it collided with a vehicle on the runway. The Gol Linhas Aéreas Inteligentes plane was about to fly from Rio de Janeiro's international airport to Fortaleza ...
The Boeing 737 Max was accelerating to takeoff from Rio de Janeiro on Tuesday. The plane was able to brake, and no injuries were reported. A Boeing 737 Max was taking off when it collided with a ...
The head of French jet engine maker Safran (SAF.PA), opens new tab said on Friday he was certain Boeing (BA.N), opens new tab would reach key production milestones for the 737 MAX jet during this ...