2025年SheBelieves杯国际足球邀请赛 在美国圆满落幕,日本女足在决赛中以 2-1 击败世界排名第一的美国女足,以三战全胜的傲人战绩夺得冠军。这是日本女足13年来首次战胜美国女足,也是她们在该项赛事中的历史性突破。
近日,在2025年的SheBelieves杯国际足球邀请赛的最后一轮较量中,亚洲劲旅日本女子足球队以2-1击败了世界排名第一的美国女足。这一胜利不仅将不可一世的美国队拉下神坛,更是让整个足球界为之震动。日本女足在比赛中的表现犹如精心编排的舞蹈,优雅而 ...
A U.S. women's national team loss to a formidable Japan in the SheBelieves Cup final taught a American young squad some ...
2025年SheBelieves杯国际足球邀请赛在美国举行,日本女足以2-1击败世界排名第一的美国女足,成功夺冠。 首轮比赛中,日本女足以4-0大胜澳大利亚女足,取得开门红。第二轮比赛,日本女足以4-1击败哥伦比亚女足。末轮比赛,日本女足与同样取得两连胜的美国女足争夺冠军。 在对阵美国女足的比赛中,日本女足在第3分钟便由韧木结花接长谷川唯助攻破门得分。随后,美国女足由艾莉森-森特诺迅速扳平比分,半 ...
女子 SheBelieves Cup 决赛日的焦点对决是美国女足对阵日本女足,双方将争夺冠军。 两队在前两场比赛中都取得了胜利,同积6分,但日本女足凭借净胜球优势领先于美国女足。 日本女足在2025年 SheBelieves Cup 中延续了其统治地位,在第二场比赛中以4-1大胜哥伦比亚。日本队开场迅速打入两球,在下半场再入两球锁定胜局。头号射手田中美奈(Mina Tanaka)梅开二度,表现出色 ...
The United States women’s soccer team missed the chance to claim a sixth consecutive SheBelieves Cup title after losing 2-1 to Japan in Wednesday’s tournament finale.
USA's rising star Ally Sentnor speaks to FIFA about her "jaw-dropping" goal against Colombia and Women's World Cup aspirations.
The Associated Press – Sports on MSN19 天
Biyendolo and Cooper score as United States beats Australia 2-1 in SheBelieves CupLynn Biyendolo scored 42 seconds into the match and the United States beat Australia 2-1 on Sunday in the SheBelieves Cup.
A first ever senior international goal for promising young striker Michelle Cooper helped the US Women’s National Team (USWNT) to a 2-1 victory over struggling Australia in the SheBelieves Cup ...
HOUSTON — The annual SheBelieves Cup is back for its 10th year, kicking off the U.S. women’s national team’s matches in 2025. It will also be the USWNT’s first tournament since winning ...
The U.S. women's national team didn't win the SheBelieves Cup, but that doesn't mean the tournament was a total loss. Far ...
The 10th annual SheBelieves Cup will feature the defending champion U.S. women's national team, along with Japan, Australia, and Colombia competing for the title. The tournament kicks off on ...