A $175,000 plan to address pedestrian concerns in Peace Plaza is moving forward with City Council members saying more still ...
Despite widespread discontent with the state of the project, the Rochester City Council voted Wednesday to approve a ...
(ABC 6 News) — Public concern took centerstage at Wednesday’s Rochester City Council meeting. The main concern revolved ...
City officials have fielded numerous complaints about the raised letter pavers that are predominant throughout the pedestrian ...
Critics say raising letterings and shifting pavers have created a safety risk for people with mobility issues.
Dozens of communities were destroyed after tens of thousands of Japanese Americans were forced from their homes during World ...
So, if you're of a philosophical bent, then the Peace Plaza and its shifting stones are now akin to a river — always in flux, ...
Funds are expected to add smooth pavers to public space, while also continuing to evaluate concerns to inform future efforts.
In the early 1960s, community members and UNC students held protests at what is now the Peace and Justice Plaza.
For serval months, the pavers have been an ongoing issue creating a tripping hazard for some due to raised lettering.
The City has fielded numerous complaints concerning the impact of the raised letter pavers on people with mobility and vision ...