除夕是农历年的最后一天,也是中国人最为重视的节日。除为“去,交替”,除夕便是“ 月穷岁尽,辞旧迎新 ”。据称,最早提及“除夕”这一名称的,是西晋周处撰著的《风土记》等史籍。
In China, the New Year's Eve dinner is the highlight in the celebration, filled with the anticipation over the entire year.
BEIJING, Jan. 29 (Xinhua) -- Some 204.39 million inter-regional trips were made in China on Tuesday, the Chinese Lunar New Year's Eve, according to official statistics.
张灯结彩除旧岁,阖家团圆庆新春!#AI里的中国年#春节#AI#除夕夜 ...
From the clinking of glasses to the burst of fireworks lighting up the sky, Chinese New Year's Eve is a time of celebration, ...
你们还在研究小红书?我们已经在中国做年夜饭啦!You're still figuring out Rednote, but I'm already taking it to the next level: cooking Chinese New Year's Eve dinner in Sichuan!
On January 28, Chinese New Year's Eve, trucks loaded with goods were bustling in and out of the Zhengzhou International Land ...