Rockstar has done an excellent job of addressing these concerns. While user reviews are still below Rockstar's standards, ...
对于全球数以百万计的《侠盗猎车手》(Grand Theft Auto, GTA)粉丝来说,等待《GTA6》的消息已经成为了一种既甜蜜又煎熬的过程。近日,有关于这款备受瞩目的游戏最新预告片将于今年4月1日发布的消息再度点燃了玩家的热情。然而,随着一次次期望的落空,不少玩家开始持有一种半信半疑的态度。
Grand Theft Auto 5 on PC has finally received the RT upgrades to achieve feature parity with the current generation ...
Rockstar's is working on a tool to help GTA 5 modders bring their creations to the enhanced version of the game.
Grand Theft Auto V Enhanced Grand Theft Auto 5 Enhanced 今天在 Steam 上发布,到目前为止,它似乎进展顺利或不太顺利,这取决于你如何看待它。就玩家而言,情况很乐观:目前有近 115,000 人正在玩,24 小时内的峰值超过 187,000。这在很大程度上是因为增强版对 Grand Theft Auto 5 ...
The release window for Grand Theft Auto 6 is drawing closer, with the implications of its launch likely having a huge impact ...
A lot of discussion is being had around the reported price of Grand Theft Auto 6, though there may be more to the rumors than ...
自2023年底开发商首次公开GTA 6以来,已经过去了一年多的时间。然而,在整个2024年,官方并未发布任何新的预告内容。如果游戏计划在今年秋季档推出,那么第二支预告片很可能会在近期发布,以正式启动市场宣传工作。考虑到GTA ...
韦德布什证券股票(Wedbush Securities)研究董事总经理迈克尔·帕切特(Michael Pachter)在本周发布的最新研究报告中,分析了 Rockstar Games 母公司 Take-Two 对《GTA 6》这款现象级大作的发行策略 ...
One analyst thinks Take-Two Interactive may try to sell users on a $100 version of GTA VI that also grants fake money for a ...
It's been a few years since current-gen consoles got their fancy GTA 5 upgrade loaded with new features and modern graphics ...
IT之家 3 月 5 日消息,万众期待的《GTA 5》PC 增强版已于昨晚正式发售,Steam 首发 5 折(截止至 3 月 21 日),国区首发价 71.25 元(传承版历史最低价 40.33 元),还有 206.25 元的“增强版 + ...