Five businesses adopt AI every minute in Europe, yet a concerning gap is emerging between nimble startups and cautious ...
Sepp Hochreiter, an early pioneer of the technology, is interested in teaching AI models how to efficiently forget.
T HERE IS LITTLE reason to cheer the cooling of relations between America and the European Union. But it’s an ill wind that ...
Most EU workers believe AI technologies are having a positive impact on their job, but at the same time remain afraid robots ...
The European Commission is raising $20 billion to construct four "AI gigafactories" as part of Europe's strategy to catch up ...
AMSTERDAM, March 11 (Reuters) - The European Commission is raising $20 billion to construct four "AI gigafactories" as part of Europe's strategy to catch up with the U.S. and China on artificial ...
The European Commission is raising $20 billion to construct four "AI gigafactories" as part of Europe's strategy to catch up with the U.S. and China on artificial intelligence, but some industry ...
When determining who is responsible for AI and its use, it’s important to identify the dimensions of accountability. What is ...
Chinese artificial intelligence (AI) firm iFlyTek was planning to expand its European business as trade tensions rise between ...
Cerebras Systems has announced plans to launch six new AI inference data centers across North America and Europe. According ...
随着全球数字化进程加速,倍孜网络将以此次研讨会为契机,持续以“AI×商业化×服务”三维创新为核心,深化与伙伴的合作,携手推进智能营销网络的标准化、场景化落地,助力开发者团队构建“自主进化”的数字商业竞争力,共同推动AI技术在垂直行业的规模化应用,为数 ...